Paul Kögerler
English Website


Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Paul Kögerler
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University

Landoltweg 1
D-52074 Aachen (Germany)

Phone: +49 (0)241 80 94 657 /+49 (0)241 93 642
Fax: +49 (0)241 80 92 642
E-Mail: paul.koegerler@ac.rwth-aachen.de

Travel directions

With the train via Aachen-West
Aachen-West is next to the institute, but not every train stops at this station. After leaving the station at the right side there are stairs on the other side of the street, that lead to a path. Use this path along the tennis court and the mosque and turn left at its end. Pass the car park and cross the street. Then you can see the Institute of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry. The Institute of Inorganic Chemistry is placed in the left part of the building.

With the train via Aachen Central Station
The best way to get to the institute from the Central Station is to take a taxi. Nevertheless, it is possible to take the bus lines 3 or 13 (the bus station is placed opposite to the Central Station) and to leave it at Ponttor. Then you have a walk of 5 up to 10 minutes before you reach the institute. You have to go straight ahead along Turmwall, Turmstraße, over the bridge and then to turn right into Professor-Pirlet-Straße. The Institute of Inorganic and Organic Chemistry is placed on the left side of this street.

Getting to the institute by car
From Düsseldorf take the autobahn A44, from Cologne the A4 up to the Aachen junction (Autobahnkreuz Aachen). Take the A4, direction Aachen/Heerlen. Leave the autobahn at the second exit (Aachen-Laurensberg). Turn right, direction Aachen. About 1.5 km after entering Aachen, turn right before the Ponttor, a large medieval city gate.
Parking at the university parking garage (very close to the institute, no fees): Turn right at the third crossroad (Professor-Pirlet-Straße). The entrance of the parking garage is 100 metres ahead. Leave the parking garage at the pedestrians exit and cross Professor-Pirlet-Strasse. You get direct into Landoltweg. You will find the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry immediately to the left..

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